Articles for author: Hassan Hamdam

Tears of Sindhu: exploring Sindh’s political history

The new book Tears of Sindhu: Sindhi national struggle in historical context explores Sindh’s political history with a scholarly view. Authored by Dr Naseer Dashti, a prolific Baloch scholar, this new release is one of the most interesting books on the history of Sindh. Authors and writers belonging to power corridors that subjugated Sindhis for ...

Hassan Hamdam

The birth of Bangladesh: who is to blame?

Bangladesh comprised of the eastern regions of a divided Bengal. In the schema of dividing India and creating Pakistan on religious grounds, this part of Bengal was incorporated in to Pakistan and, for a while, it was known as East Pakistan. After a bloody civil war, with the help of Indian forces, East Pakistan became ...

The Baloch Conflict with Iran and Pakistan

In his latest book, ‘The Baloch conflict with Iran and Pakistan: aspects of a national liberation struggle’, Dr. Naseer Dashti traces the history of Baloch national struggle in Iran and Pakistan. The book offers rich insight into the past and present political games played by various powers affecting the Baloch sovereignty and national integrity. In ...