Articles for author: Carina Jahani

Carina Jahani

Facing exile, facing taunts

Note: This is an English translation of Sajid Hussain’s Balochi piece Darándhéhi pa saré o shegán pa saré The story of my exile began on that unfortunate day when an ill-fated interest in literature came over me. It seems that every writer I liked had been in exile at some time. Marquez had been, Kundera too. ...

کُجا ائے، منی چُکّ؟

واجه ساجد حسینئے یاتا دلگۆش: اے بانک کارینا جهانیئے انگرێزی نبشتانکے که بانُکا وت په بلۆچستان‌ٹایمزئے وانۆکان بلۆچیا تَرّێنتگ.  هما ائولی رند که تئو منی کارگِسا آتکئے، منا شَرّ یات اِنت. سال 2017 اَت، گرماگئے گُڈّی رۆچان یک رۆچے. کمّے لجّۆک اَتئے، گێشترێن هبر واجه تاجا کُرتنت. په من مُشکلے نبیت اگن تئو وتی کێسا ...

Carina Jahani

Where are you, my son?

In memory of Sajid Hussain I remember well the first time you came to my office. It must have been in the early autumn of 2017. You were a bit shy. Taj did most of the talking. Would I be OK with you applying for political asylum in Sweden? “Yes, of course, it is your ...